Base has announced that Fault proofs are live on the Base mainnet, allowing anyone to make or challenge proposals about L2 status in a permissionless manner. Base says that Fault proofs are a fundamental step towards decentralization. Another important step for Base to reach the first stage of decentralization is to add Security Council to its contract upgrade key. Once this step is completed, Base can only perform contract upgrades based on actions taken by Optimism Security Council, which only...
Base 宣布 Fault proofs 已于 Base 主网上线,使任何人都可以以无需许可的方式提出或质疑有关 L2 状态的 proposal。 Base 表示,Fault proofs 是其迈向去中心化的基础一步。Base 达到第一阶段去中心化的另一个重要步骤是将 Security Council 添加到其合约升级密钥中,一旦这一步完成,Base 只能根据 Optimism Security Council 采取的行动进行合约升级,而 Optimism Security Council 只采取 Optimism Governance...
Wintermute is using Chaos Labs' Edge Proofs Oracle to develop a new prediction market product, OutcomeMarket, which will initially launch a betting market for TRUMP and HARRIS tokens (the US election theme). Wintermute plans to launch OutcomeMarket on multiple networks next week, including the Ethereum mainnet, Arbitrum, and Base. Wintermute also plans to use trading platforms Bebop, WOO, and Backpack as market makers for two initial ERC-20 token markets, and will expand to more markets.
Wintermute 正在利用 Chaos Labs 的 Edge Proofs Oracle 开发新预测市场产品 OutcomeMarket,该产品将首先推出 TRUMP 和 HARRIS 代币(美国大选题材)的投注市场。 Wintermute 计划下周在多个网络上推出 OutcomeMarket,包括以太坊主网、Arbitrum 和 Base。Wintermute 还计划利用交易平台 Bebop、WOO 和 Backpack 作为两个初始 ERC-20 代币市场的做市商,并且将扩展到更多市场。
On June 23rd, according to the official announcement, the Fault Proofs system (Fault Proofs) is expected to go live on Base Sepolia (testnet) in mid-July. Fault Proofs are a key implementation on the road to decentralization for L2. They make the method of verifying L2 status more decentralized and pave the way for more community involvement. After going live, Testnet withdrawal changes include: Withdrawals will be proven and finalized according to the Fault Proof system; Withdrawals will no lon...
On May 4th, the on-chain open banking solution launched by Plaid and Sign Protocol Proofs.Money will be launched in the Base pilot. This collaboration introduces the innovative concept of "unified financial identity", which allows users on the chain to generate unified financial reports and details, and can be used in on-chain and off-chain environments.
5月4日消息,Plaid和Sign Protocol合作推出的链上开放银行解决方案Proofs.Money将在Base试点上线,此次合作引入了“统一财务身份”的创新概念允许链上用户生成统一的财务报告和详细信息,并可以在链上和链下环境中使用。